Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Blog to Facebook

Could it be this blog has outlived its relevance and optimum life as a forum for updates on my studio and general thoughts? My limited resources are perhaps better spent keeping my Beach: A Book of Treasure Facebook Page active and interesting.  I would rather put the thoughtful design energy into my e-mail newsletter (despite it being relatively sporadic) and the books themselves, while Facebook can post the more spontaneous thoughts and comings and goings of the studio.  I welcome feedback from my readers on this transition either here or on Facebook.

Our current state of affairs -- with zillions of platforms for communicating on -- is not conducive to "paring down," but this advice is never out of fashion. With limited time resources I am slowly winnowing down to a system I think best fits the material.  Of course this is liable to change at any instance.  (somehow I feel like I have been here before...)


Laloofah said...

Well, I totally understand being spread too thin online, which is why (so far at least) I don't do Twitter or Facebook, etc. But I do blog, and since I just found yours (and started following it) while composing my Valentine's Day post, and just recommended your blog again in the last segment of my latest post, for purely selfish reasons I hope you'll reconsider and keep your lovely blog going. :-)

Josie Iselin said...

Laloofah....ok well there is SOMEONE out there reading this...amazing!! I will post what I put on facebook here as least for now! send me your e-mail so you can get on my newsletter list..thats the best part. Thanks for finding...Josie

Laloofah said...

Hi, Josie!

Thank you for appeasing your audience of one for the time being! I think many lurk, but few are commenting. ;-) Despite being a non-commenting lurker since about Valentine's Day, I've mentioned or linked to your blog in a couple of posts... this recent one (under the Lovely Blog Award section) and my Valentine Post, where I blogged about your sweet Heart Stones book. :-)

I'll email you so you can add me to your newsletter list. I love your photos!

Josie Iselin said...

Well it does seem the better forum for some things... like thoughts on my hellebore. Nice to have you on the list!

Anonymous said...

Hi Josie,

I'm an acquaintance long ago, when I was friends with you and your not-yet husband. You came to me for a massage or two when I was just starting out (and, as life would have it, ending) that endeavor.

I came across one of your books and was delighted both by your work and to discover some shared fascinations. My massage studio then had the beginning of my heart rock collection (which sometimes, became a "butt rock" collection when in a perverse mood, I would turn them all upside down). The search for additions taught me about intention. It's hard to discern these seemingly sculpted objects but once you form them in your mind's eye, they are everywhere. I also collect sea glass and beach detritus, and am an avid gardener and passionate mother, so it has been a redoubled joy to discover not just you and your art and writing, but these shared passions. Please continue your blog, which is so apropos a medium for your beautifully written, thoughtful observations I love the image of lifting the hellebore's "chin."

With happy greetings & best wishes to you and Ken,
Stacy Green

John W. Wall said...

I just found your blog via the Chronicle story and wanted to say that I've had the same thoughts about blogging vs. FB, thinking it might be more current to create a public FB page, and that Blogger (even the clunky name) seems long in the tooth. I've been blogging since '07 and am just now close to wrapping up a one-year blog project, so switching seems timely. However, FB seems most ideal (counterintuitively) for a writer who doesn't want to leave a record. I can easily find my own past blog posts, and a lot of my web traffic is directed to past posts. If there's a way to achieve the same continuity and historical value on FB, I haven't noticed it. I've also created Blurb books out of my blog content, but I can't imagine ever doing that from FB posts.